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introduce about sex doll

The attitude people have towards sex has changed over time as a result of the advancements in society. Many sex products are gradually becoming visible to the public's eye. The sex toys can be one of these. Silicone dolls can be considered high-end versions for physical dolls. You can make a silicone doll into a solid sex toy. The correct way to maintain solid dolls is important. Your sex dolls could be damaged if you don't follow the right procedure. How do you clean your sex dolls properly? Here are some tips from Uloversdoll.com:

You should clean the sex toys immediately after you have received them. Follow the steps below to clean your love doll.

1. Unpack the box, and then take out the sexy doll. You will need to find a space 2 times bigger.

2. Check for any damage caused by handling.

3. The silicone doll should be taken to the bathroom where the oil can be removed. To soften the body of the sex doll, an oil component is added to the silicone gel. This will give your doll a delightful aroma. The realistic doll's surface will become oily over time. The doll should be washed once a week to get rid of oil.

4. After the shower, you can give the body powder to the sexual doll. Use regular baby powder. It is important to get rid of the oil and oil as well as the dirt. Rinse, then remove the oil and powder. Finally, wipe away any dirt or powder with a towel. Once the doll is dry pour some powder on it and dry the body.

5. When the silicone sex doll hair is dried, look for a soft chair or sofa that will allow you to live like a doll.

General cleaning:

General cleaning: Use a wet towel to clean the sexual doll. If the shower gel is not removable, you can use cleansing oil to clean it. You can dye it if the stain is difficult to remove (described below). If your doll has a very large dirt range, it is worth taking it to the bathroom to clean the stain (if the environment permits), and water temperature. TPE dolls can be sensitive to temperature. TPE materials might deform at high temperatures so avoid using over-temperature water (70 degrees or higher) to sterilize TPE dolls.

Cleaning after use:

The mouth, private and anus can all be used by the general sex toy. Although most of the parts can be used, some dolls have only one or two functions. The brand's sexual doll must have her mouth and anus in the "integrated" design. This means that the body and internal passages are not removable, but some private parts of the doll can be. A one-piece doll may require you to move it into the bathroom after cleaning. Do not wash the doll in harsh chemicals. Instead, cover it with a towel to dry it. Avoid scratching the doll's surface by not wiping it very hard. You can roll the inner channel into strips. Mix in the water, and dry it. To keep the doll's skin soft and supple, make sure you have removed all talcum powder.


The oil content of a living sex toy doll's body is constant. The baby's oil content is different. The oil of high-grade rubber is mild, while the oil of TPE dolls is much more evident. Once the baby runs out of oil, the baby's body will feel squeaky and sticky, as well as easy to become dusty. Regular maintenance is necessary to keep the doll's body soft and silky smooth. The maintenance process is simple. You will need to use the commercially-available hazelnut powder along with a set of baby puff containers to evenly distribute the powder on the love doll.



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Oldal: Cleaning techniques for sex toys: Professional cleaning
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