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introduce about sex doll

The painter Oscar Kokoschka suffered a bayonet injury on the Russian front during the First World War. When he returned, he discovered that his beloved, Alma Mahler, had got married to another man. In the midst of desperation He created a copy of Alma Mahler.

Alma encountered the younger Oskar Kokoschka the child from the Viennese art scene in 1912. He was famous for his mini sex doll intense expressionist portraits. Within 24 hours of meeting, they began an intimate affair. Kokoschka's obsession became his primary focus and overthrew his entire work and life. The most well-known of his paintings, The Bride of the Wind is just one of the numerous paintings that she influenced.

Kokoschka was awestruck by Alma so much that he designed a life-sized facsimile. He sketched detailed sketches, and precise measurements (provided by the dressmaker who made Alma's gown) to the artist Hermine Moos, who was adept in creating models. Kokoschka would like the skin's feel to be natural. Moos chose to use swan skin as it was like a soft, sensuous skin women's. The most important thing to Moos was the sensation. Kokoschka was not happy by the final anime sex doll since it appeared like it was fluffy. For Kokoschka, it was important to look like Alma. For women, the touch is crucial but for males it's about the style. The book Studies in the Psychology of Sex the English psychotherapist Henry Havelock Ellis explained that males are more visual and women depend more on their sensation of the touch.



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Oldal: The Evolution of Making Sex Doll ----PART ONE
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