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introduce about sex doll

The creator of this inflatable toy is not known. There is a popular belief it is believed that. Adolf Hitler himself was the sole creator of the most sought-after sexual object, the sex doll .

Did Adolf Hitler Create Sex Dolls?

There was speculation that the sex dolls were created through Adolf Hitler - but this idea was later discredited as an untruth. According to some reports that Borghild was a Borghild project was created to fight an epidemic of syphilis within the Nazi army by providing soldiers with dolls that sex. But, the evidence that supports the conspiracy theories that are wildly popular regarding the project should be explained in a rough manner and is therefore unlikely to be the truth at all.

Rumors suggest that the idea was sparked from Heinrich Himmler's 1941 letter addressed to Adolf Hitler about a syphilis problem in prostitutes' establishments in Paris. "The greatest danger in Paris is the prevalence and uncontrolled presence of prostitutes," He wrote in the report.


It is likely that Hitler was in favor of the idea to supply soldiers with dolls to carry in their backpacks, to keep them from Paris brothels.

Hitler believed to have approved the project at the time, and the designers started making a secretly developed female-looking "doll", also code-named "Borghild," under the direction under the direction of Franz Chackert of the German Hygiene Museum. The item - a doll that was blow-up which was designed to be a sex toys.

The first silicone sex doll also referred to as "Dutch wives" came from Dutch sailors

Another theory that is popular is that the first sexual dolls date back to 17th century Dutch sailors who made use of cloth dolls to ease sexual tension during long journeys on the sea.

The first blow-up doll to be recorded was featured in the publication "Sex in Our Time" by psychiatrist Iwan Bloch.


The book was published in 1908 and the book detailed dolls that were that were used for sexual use.

Following the sexual revolution of late sixties, advertisements started appearing in magazines. They allow the user to select dolls with various hair styles and colors to satisfy your customer's preferences.

There is no way to know the precise background of sex dolls' history in actual

Concerning what is known as the "who invented sex doll" and the fact that nobody knows the exact cause of what happened created a lot of distorted misconceptions to circulate all over the place.

let a lot of false information that is biased to be spread all over the place. One thing which can be proven is that the appearance of sex dolls has solved people's most basic sexual cravings as well as sexual desires and makes sexuality no longer a cause for shame. In a way it stops the transmission of sexually transmitted illnesses and helps protect the body of people. These days, sex toys are being used in greater numbers. They are used as fashion models, collectibles as well as for film and television viewers as well as film and television audiences. In other words, she's no longer an individual sex toy. For many the love dolls are an integral an integral part of their life. They sleep, eat and play. . . It's much more enjoyable than spending time with a real person. she has also assisted many people overcome the sadness of losing their partner giving them comfort and warmth and can even help to mediate the marriage between husband and wife , and help create a more harmonious family! Utilizing adult-sex dolls could be a great way to reduce crime among the population and improve social stability.

After having read the article above Do you wish to get started right away? Hydoll Mall offers the best selection in realistic dolls, with stunning workmanship and beautiful designs, safe and flavorless, with not causing harm to your human body, and soft to the touch , and with elastic skin which means you can enjoy them with confidence. If you have any concerns or concerns, please contact us at: hydolld@outlook.com


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