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introduce about sex doll

Japan's population has been declining in recent years. This may be due to the sex doll. The popularity of somatosensory and smart dolls in Japan may have contributed to a decline in birth rates.

The birth rate has been declining in many countries since the invention of sex dolls. Japan is the most common country. Japan is open to sexuality. Japan is a country that loves to have sex. They have bought many realistic dolls. He has played many different roles including that of his wife, girlfriend, daughter, and other characters. To meet the needs of Japanese women, many Chinese manufacturers have made more Japanese-made sexy dolls.

One expert said that smart dolls can lead to high birth rates due to the fact that lonely Japanese men will abandon traditional relationships in favor of AI girlfriends. The doll is not as complicated as a real girlfriend. She will not tie you up and will only help you when you are in need.

Because of the fears that Japan's population will decline sharply, fewer babies are born to Asian countries. Japan saw approximately 921,000 infants born in 2018 - which is about 25,000 less than 2017 According to Japanese officials, this number is the lowest since 1899 when records were first started. About 1.3million people died in the same year. This means that the population has fallen by almost half a billion. Professor Kate Devlin of social and cultural artificial Intelligence at King's College London and an expert in the area, said that smart dolls might exacerbate the crisis, especially if they're so popular in Japan. Japanese men often choose realistic dolls to help them cope with the difficulties of their lives. While this may be beneficial, it can lead to an increase the number of people living in poverty. This doll can be used as a sex toy by men because it is lifelike. She has all the characteristics of a real female, and many other advantages.

People are concerned that in countries like Japan, loneliness can be a serious social problem. Using sex dolls to sex may only make matters worse. "Those who are interested to buy women's smart dolls will often search for a partner," Substitutes, a documentary that aired on RT last summer, showed the rise of sex toys.

The article discusses how life-size dolls of love can create a sense "of loneliness and alienation." Globally, sex dolls have been growing in popularity.

Noburu Tanaka, a sex doll salesman said: "This feeling is amazing. Although it looks like a doll you feel that it is active. "Some problems can arise when you are in love with your spouse. It doesn't really matter what the sex doll thinks.

Sex dolls have the potential to cause a crisis in society, but they can also be a great life partner. Sex dolls have many advantages in life. They can accompany elderly widows, act as their parents, save their marriages, and even be used as sex toys.

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